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Thank you for considering becoming a member or volunteering with Making Waves Foundation. We exist to offer life changing opportunities to children, youth and adults with disabilities and those at a disadvantage to drive a more optimistic outlook for personal growth and improved life outcomes. We need you to help us create optimism where it does not exist. We need your passion, enthusiasm, and skills to help us achieve these outcomes.

We are currently seeking volunteers with the following skills:

  • Trade skills in boat building, sail making, carpentry, mechanics or electronics (Sydney)
  • Youth mentoring focussed on disadvantaged youth, those with mental health issues or experiencing behavioural issues (Sydney)
  • Skippers or highly skilled sailors (Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle)

We require that all Making Waves Foundation volunteers have a valid Working With Children Check for whatever state they are volunteering in.

If you would like to join our community of volunteers, please complete the below expression of interest form. On completion of the form our team will respond to you to discuss your application to join. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, please contact our office on 0421 725 170.


Volunteers are also required to become a member and cannot participate in any MWF programs until the membership process has been completed. Membership is $55.00 (incl GST) per year and covers insurance, training and administrative costs.

Once the membership payment has been processed and your Working with Children Check documentation reviewed, your application will be forwarded to the next monthly Board Meeting for approval and you will then be notified as to the status.

Volunteers will receive an orientation session in the state where they live that introduces MWF and the volunteer roles and projects available.

Working With Children Check

To ensure the best care is taken to protect the participants in our programs it is compulsory for all volunteers to undergo a working with children check.

A working with children check is an easy and free two-step process. You can apply online by select the relevant link below. You will need to obtain a working with children check for each state you would like to volunteer in.

Note: Once you have completed the sign-up process you can login and upload your Working With Children Check and any other relevant certifications.

Expression of Interest

Your availability
Our programs run during the week and we would need you to be available on week days. Please indicate how many hours you would be able to volunteer for.

On Water    Off Water   

Winds of Joy    Winds of Care    Winds Change    Wright of Passage    Administration    Other   

IT/Programming    Data Analysis/GIS    Graphic Design    Grant Writing    Trade skills     Registered Trainer    Fundraising/Event Manager    Working with vulnerable people    Legal/Compliance and Risk   

Contact Details

Yes    No   
Yes    No   
Yes    No   

Emergency Contact Details

Off Shore Safety Information

Terms & Conditions

I agree to the membership Terms and conditions.

Making Waves Foundation test

Social Links